Posts Tagged With: natural fur scarves

How to Choose Pure Quality Fur Scarves for Men?

Very few fabrics are as glamorous as fleece derived from animals. Of course, you have no reason to frown because the manufacturers and dealers of fleece garments and accessories raise the animals that yield the substance in farms. The feel and look of the material are outstanding, to say the least. Clothes and accessories designed from this material set the wearer apart from others. However, faux fleece is also available these days. Differentiating between the two materials isn’t going to be easy for you if you’re going to buy something for the first time. The information given below should help you.

Feel it: Today you can purchase fur scarves for men from the web-based dealersCompanies like these are genuine, and you won’t have to worry about the quality or the genuineness of the products they sell. However, if you’re going to buy it from a local store, make sure that you feel the materials with your hands. It should be silky smooth to the touch whether you go against or with the grain.

Check the other side: When you buy fox fur scarves from a standalone shop, pay special attention to the opposite side of the product. Just like a coat, a scarf should have a lining. You should avoid anything hemmed at the bottom. If you can see the pelt underneath the scarf, then you can be sure about the authenticity of the product.

Manufacturing location: Different types of natural fur scarves are available these days, but they are only as good as the manufacturer or supplier. Online stores like the one mentioned here are both the manufacturers and suppliers themselves. However, it may not be the same for local fashion stores. So, find out where the product originated. Generally, authentic ones from Europe and North America, and low-quality ones come from China.

Don’t judge on pelt number: Most people think that the pelt used in manufacturing the garment or accessory determines their quality. It’s nothing more than a popular misconception. Indeed, if the manufacturers used more raw materials, then the costs would increase. Then again, this fact is unreliable. For instance, short scarves won’t contain as much material as a long and voluminous one.

Check the label: Another quick way to determine the quality of fleece used in producing the garment or accessory is to check the label. The very presence of the label means that it has specific standards. If you research information on the web, then you’ll learn about furriers and animal farmers that set themselves apart by maintaining high-quality standards.

Purchase from a renowned company

In the end, it’s worth mentioning that everyone should buy clothes or accessories made from animal fleece from a renowned and reputable dealer. All these companies specialize in remodeling various garments and accessories, cleaning them without damaging the exquisite materials, and provide storage options. You should keep these factors in mind while searching for the right dealer. Also, make sure that you follow the guidelines mentioned here. If you do, then no one would be able to fool you even if you’re a first-time buyer.


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There is Much more to Know about Wearing Real Fur

Most people throughout the world believe that fur clothes and accessories are for the rich and the posh. Indeed, those who wear fur accessories and garments have an air of aristocracy around them. However, it isn’t what they had in mind when they purchased the product. Individuals choose to wear fur because it is fashionable and it can keep you warm in winter. In fact, clothes and accessories made of pelts are better than everything else when it comes to winter apparel. Of course, style and warmth aren’t the only motives to buy it. Here are some other profound reasons.

fox fur hats

Comfort: Yes, fox fur hats and everything else available at amifur is exceptionally comfortable. They are soft and velvety to the touch. If you can combine them with fur coats, then you will feel comfortable than usual. Of course, fur headwear looks incomplete without a jacket of the same material. Once you combine the two, you will realize how animals can survive the harshest of winters so easily and comfortably.

Investment: Whether you buy fox fur hats or jackets, you should know that you are investing in something worthwhile. Then again, faux fur isn’t an asset because it won’t survive as long as real fleece. Faux fur is a trend that isn’t going to last too long. If you can take proper care of genuine pelts, it will serve you forever. Besides, the fashion statement of fur will never vanish. It did go out of the charts for a while, but it returned with a bang.

real fur hats

Alteration: Did you know that it is possible to change the way your fur garment or accessory looks? Understandably, authentic fleece is pricey. Naturally, many people don’t feel like spending on another piece. If you own something made of fur, then you don’t have to purchase new ones. An expert furrier can transform your accessory or outfit to give it a fresh look.

No Age: Some people think fur products are costly and they are for older individuals. There was a time when only grandmothers used to sport fur apparel on weekends. Now, however, fur fashion speaks differently. Fleece looks excellent on young men and women. It doesn’t matter whether you are young or middle-aged. You will appear classy in almost any fur accessory or garment.

Eco-Friendly: Genuine fur comes from animals, and so, people think that it is dangerous for the ecosystem. However, companies which sell such products have their own farms. Sometimes these companies even work with people who raise creatures that yield fur. They resort to humane methods of extracting the item from the animals. Finally, pelts are an entirely biodegradable product. It poses no harm to the environment.

fur scarves for men

Not for Fancy: Human beings harbor several misconceptions when it comes to natural fleece. You already know a few of them if you went through this topic. Some also envision furs on men and women attend fancy dinner balls and parties. If you keep your eyes open, then you will notice people sporting fleece with jeans and other casual clothes. So, if you choose to wear a fur scarf or a hat, you aren’t restricting your choice of clothes.

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How to Store and Use Your Fur Scarves and Other Accessories

Natural fur clothes have always been in demand among the more fashionable people in the world. However, maintaining it is a different matter altogether. You have to take special care so that it retains its classy appearance. The first thing that everyone should do is test the product. Some organizations make you believe that its real fur when actually it is a synthetic counterfeit. You can try the ‘burn test’ to determine its authenticity. You have to snip a few strands of fur from an inconspicuous spot and place them on a heat-resistant dish. After that, you will light and match and bring the hairs in contact with the fire. Natural fur will burn quickly, but synthetic ones will melt.

Caring Tips

1.         Using Hangers: If you’re in search of genuine Fox fur scarves, Natural fur scarves, etc. then you should visit Amifur. They are a company well-renowned for their fur garments and accessories. Now, if you want to store your fur accessories made of animal fur then use sturdy hangers with pads. It prevents the outfit from losing its shape. Make sure that your racks have a long neck so that the garment stays away from the hanging rod.
2.   Avoid Plastic Bags: You should never hang fur products in garment bags. You should particularly avoid plastic bags at all costs. They don’t allow the apparel or accessory to breathe. It is mandatory to allow air circulation so that the hide underneath the fur doesn’t crack or dry out. You must use a cotton bag to store the Fur scarves for men which you buy from Amifur. Washing the cotton bag isn’t an issue either.

3.        Jewelry and Shoulder Bags: You should never leave any piece of jewelry pinned to the coat because it can mat the fur. It is also essential for you to avoid carrying a shoulder bag on one side. You should shift the bag from one shoulder to the other frequently. Otherwise, its strap can wear away the hairs of the coat and create a bald spot. Collars of all clothes get dirty from body soil that accumulates around the neck. You can wear a scarf with it to prevent soiling the collar.
4.    Perfumes and Hairsprays: It is best if you avoid applying hairsprays or perfumes when you’re wearing the fur accessories. Most manufacturers of fragrances use alcohol in their formulas. This alcohol will dry out the hide very soon. A few hairsprays contain oils which penetrate the fur and turn rancid. Once that happens, you’ll find it impossible to remove the foul odor.

5.       The Way You Sit: You must take off your coat if you have to sit for a long time. By doing so, you’ll prevent the fur from crushing. If you can’t take it off, then you have to change positions very often to avoid spot crushing. It will be wise to remove the coat and place it on your lap. It’ll act like a blanket to keep you warm.

A Blend
Fur is a mixture of form, function, and beauty. Garments made of real animal hair can be the wearer’s best friend and the most stylish accessory. By throwing a scarf carelessly across your shoulders, you look fiendishly handsome or pretty. If you love your fur accessories, scarf, or hat, then you have to protect it. With the tips given above, you can bestow a long life to your fur item.

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