
Men’s Fur Hats: Embrace Style and Warmth in winter

Summary: Discover the allure of men’s fur hats, combining style and functionality for winter enthusiasts and fashion-conscious individuals alike. From the unparalleled warmth and durability to the elegance of women’s fox fur hats, embrace the luxury and comfort provided by these timeless accessories. Visit our website to explore a diverse selection of fur hats that will complement your winter wardrobe perfectly.

The Appeal of Men’s Fur Hats

Men’s fur hats have long been a symbol of style and functionality. With their luxurious feel and exceptional warmth, these hats have gained popularity among fashion-conscious individuals and outdoor enthusiasts alike. Whether you’re heading out for a winter adventure or looking to make a fashion statement, men’s fur hats are an excellent choice.

Types of Men’s Fur Hats

There is a wide range of men’s fur hat styles to choose from, each with its unique appeal. From classic Russian ushanka hats to stylish aviator hats, there’s something to suit every taste and preference. The versatility of men’s fur hats makes them suitable for various occasions, whether it’s a casual outing or a formal event.

The Benefits of Men’s Fur Hats

Unparalleled Warmth: Men’s fur hats are renowned for their exceptional insulation properties. The natural fur traps body heat, providing unbeatable warmth even in the coldest of temperatures.

Durability: Fur hats are known for their durability and longevity. When properly cared for, they can last for many years, making them a worthwhile investment.

Breathability: Despite their warmth, men’s fur hats are breathable, allowing air circulation and preventing excess moisture buildup. This feature is particularly beneficial during high-intensity outdoor activities.

Maintaining and Cleaning Men’s Fur Hats

To ensure the longevity and beauty of your men’s fur hat, proper maintenance is essential. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Avoid excessive moisture: Protect your fur hat from rain and snow, as excessive moisture can damage the fur. If it gets wet, gently shake off the excess water and allow it to dry naturally in a well-ventilated area.


Brush regularly: Use a soft-bristle brush to remove any dirt or debris from the fur. Brushing helps maintain the fur’s softness and keeps it looking its best.

Professional cleaning: For thorough cleaning or more complex stains, it’s best to seek professional fur cleaning services. They have the expertise and equipment to handle fur garments with care.

Women’s Fox Fur Hats: A Stunning Choice for Elegance and Warmth

In addition to men’s fur hats, women’s fox fur hats have gained popularity as a fashionable accessory. The plush and luxurious texture of fox fur adds a touch of elegance to any outfit. Whether paired with a casual winter coat or a formal evening dress, women’s fox fur hats exude sophistication and glamour.


Find Your Perfect Fur Hat 

We offer a wide selection of men’s fur hats and women’s fox fur hats to suit different styles and preferences. Our hats are crafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring exceptional quality and comfort. Visit our website and explore our collection to find the perfect fur hat to elevate your winter wardrobe.

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Various ways in which you can wear our fur collars and neck warmers

Fur collars and neck warmers are versatile accessories that can elevate any outfit while keeping you cozy and warm during the colder months. Whether you prefer a classic, vintage look or something more modern and edgy, there are many ways to wear fur collars and neck warmers that can suit your style. In this article, we will explore various ways to wear these accessories and how they can complement different outfits.

Over a Coat or Jacket

One of the easiest ways to wear a fur collar or neck warmer is to layer it over your coat or jacket. This not only adds warmth but also adds a touch of glamour to your outerwear. You can opt for our Fox fur collars in a neutral color like black, brown, or gray, or choose a brighter color to add a pop of color to your outfit.

With a Dress

If you’re looking for a way to dress up a simple dress, a fur collar or neck warmer can do the trick. Wear it over a sleeveless or short-sleeved dress for added warmth, or layer it over a long-sleeved dress for a more dramatic look. You can also choose our Fur neck warmers in a contrasting color to your dress for a bold and eye-catching outfit.

With a Sweater

Fur collars and neck warmers can add texture and dimension to your cozy winter sweaters. Wear a fur collar over a turtleneck or a crewneck sweater to create a statement look that is both stylish and warm. You can also layer a neck warmer over a chunky knit sweater to create a layered, cozy look.

With a Blazer

For a more formal look, you can wear a fur collar or neck warmer with a blazer. This is a great way to add some texture and dimension to an otherwise plain outfit. Choose a fur collar in a neutral color like black or brown to create a classic look, or go for something more daring with a bright color or patterned fur collar.

With a Scarf

If you’re looking to add even more warmth and texture to your winter outfit, you can layer a fur collar or neck warmer over a scarf. This creates a stylish and cozy look that is perfect for colder days. You can choose a fur collar in a contrasting color to your scarf for a bold look or opt for a fur collar in a matching color for a more subtle look.

Try our scarves in different styles

Our fur collars and neck warmers are versatile accessories that can be worn in many ways to suit your personal style. Whether you choose to layer them over your outerwear or wear them as a headband, they are a great way to add some texture and warmth to your winter outfits. By experimenting with different styles and combinations, you can create a unique and fashionable look that is perfect for any occasion.


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How to Choose Pure Quality Fur Scarves for Men?

Very few fabrics are as glamorous as fleece derived from animals. Of course, you have no reason to frown because the manufacturers and dealers of fleece garments and accessories raise the animals that yield the substance in farms. The feel and look of the material are outstanding, to say the least. Clothes and accessories designed from this material set the wearer apart from others. However, faux fleece is also available these days. Differentiating between the two materials isn’t going to be easy for you if you’re going to buy something for the first time. The information given below should help you.

Feel it: Today you can purchase fur scarves for men from the web-based dealersCompanies like these are genuine, and you won’t have to worry about the quality or the genuineness of the products they sell. However, if you’re going to buy it from a local store, make sure that you feel the materials with your hands. It should be silky smooth to the touch whether you go against or with the grain.

Check the other side: When you buy fox fur scarves from a standalone shop, pay special attention to the opposite side of the product. Just like a coat, a scarf should have a lining. You should avoid anything hemmed at the bottom. If you can see the pelt underneath the scarf, then you can be sure about the authenticity of the product.

Manufacturing location: Different types of natural fur scarves are available these days, but they are only as good as the manufacturer or supplier. Online stores like the one mentioned here are both the manufacturers and suppliers themselves. However, it may not be the same for local fashion stores. So, find out where the product originated. Generally, authentic ones from Europe and North America, and low-quality ones come from China.

Don’t judge on pelt number: Most people think that the pelt used in manufacturing the garment or accessory determines their quality. It’s nothing more than a popular misconception. Indeed, if the manufacturers used more raw materials, then the costs would increase. Then again, this fact is unreliable. For instance, short scarves won’t contain as much material as a long and voluminous one.

Check the label: Another quick way to determine the quality of fleece used in producing the garment or accessory is to check the label. The very presence of the label means that it has specific standards. If you research information on the web, then you’ll learn about furriers and animal farmers that set themselves apart by maintaining high-quality standards.

Purchase from a renowned company

In the end, it’s worth mentioning that everyone should buy clothes or accessories made from animal fleece from a renowned and reputable dealer. All these companies specialize in remodeling various garments and accessories, cleaning them without damaging the exquisite materials, and provide storage options. You should keep these factors in mind while searching for the right dealer. Also, make sure that you follow the guidelines mentioned here. If you do, then no one would be able to fool you even if you’re a first-time buyer.


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How to Store and Use Your Fur Scarves and Other Accessories

Natural fur clothes have always been in demand among the more fashionable people in the world. However, maintaining it is a different matter altogether. You have to take special care so that it retains its classy appearance. The first thing that everyone should do is test the product. Some organizations make you believe that its real fur when actually it is a synthetic counterfeit. You can try the ‘burn test’ to determine its authenticity. You have to snip a few strands of fur from an inconspicuous spot and place them on a heat-resistant dish. After that, you will light and match and bring the hairs in contact with the fire. Natural fur will burn quickly, but synthetic ones will melt.

Caring Tips

1.         Using Hangers: If you’re in search of genuine Fox fur scarves, Natural fur scarves, etc. then you should visit Amifur. They are a company well-renowned for their fur garments and accessories. Now, if you want to store your fur accessories made of animal fur then use sturdy hangers with pads. It prevents the outfit from losing its shape. Make sure that your racks have a long neck so that the garment stays away from the hanging rod.
2.   Avoid Plastic Bags: You should never hang fur products in garment bags. You should particularly avoid plastic bags at all costs. They don’t allow the apparel or accessory to breathe. It is mandatory to allow air circulation so that the hide underneath the fur doesn’t crack or dry out. You must use a cotton bag to store the Fur scarves for men which you buy from Amifur. Washing the cotton bag isn’t an issue either.

3.        Jewelry and Shoulder Bags: You should never leave any piece of jewelry pinned to the coat because it can mat the fur. It is also essential for you to avoid carrying a shoulder bag on one side. You should shift the bag from one shoulder to the other frequently. Otherwise, its strap can wear away the hairs of the coat and create a bald spot. Collars of all clothes get dirty from body soil that accumulates around the neck. You can wear a scarf with it to prevent soiling the collar.
4.    Perfumes and Hairsprays: It is best if you avoid applying hairsprays or perfumes when you’re wearing the fur accessories. Most manufacturers of fragrances use alcohol in their formulas. This alcohol will dry out the hide very soon. A few hairsprays contain oils which penetrate the fur and turn rancid. Once that happens, you’ll find it impossible to remove the foul odor.

5.       The Way You Sit: You must take off your coat if you have to sit for a long time. By doing so, you’ll prevent the fur from crushing. If you can’t take it off, then you have to change positions very often to avoid spot crushing. It will be wise to remove the coat and place it on your lap. It’ll act like a blanket to keep you warm.

A Blend
Fur is a mixture of form, function, and beauty. Garments made of real animal hair can be the wearer’s best friend and the most stylish accessory. By throwing a scarf carelessly across your shoulders, you look fiendishly handsome or pretty. If you love your fur accessories, scarf, or hat, then you have to protect it. With the tips given above, you can bestow a long life to your fur item.

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Real Fur Scarves is Back in Fashion – AMIFUR

Get the stylish and fashionable accessories from widest collection of Fox Fur Scarves. Best brand comes forward with the latest fashion statement.

Do you want to upgrade your personal style with the latest collection of winter items? Ditch the conventional method of shopping and go online to browse through current fashion trends. Fur is the hype of this year and become an icon by obtaining the furry beauty from the best brand. When the festive season is around the corner, give yourself the joy of shopping at the greatest online shopping platform.

Latest Piece of Style

Nowadays men are ahead in the fashion game and can give any woman a trendy competition. Latest style in the industry includes Men’s Fur Accessories that keeps you warm from Amifur and modish even the temperature falls down. Finest quality fur scarves are available in different colours and you can accessorize any outfits with trendy items this winter. Though premium quality furs are quite expensive in the stores, but if you get it from the leading online brand, you can get the handmade products without burning a hole in your pocket. Plus, the good quality clothing item can save you from the wintry drizzles and keeps your neck warm.

Unique Selections of Fox Fur Scarves

New trend in the line of furry fashion has come to the town. Enhance your winter style with Fox Fur Scarves present the extraordinary items in the store. Here are the most popular must-have options of this season that should be in your closet:
·  Arctic Platinum Fox Fur Scarf: The most exotic and beautiful in the collection is this handmade and a right choice for the winter. Not only they impart a chic look to your outfit, it also offers comfort, warmth, elegance and extra charm to your personality. Therefore, posses this latest thing and walk in style. .
·  Pink Fox Fur Scarf: This is something that screams ultra fashion and is extremely fashionable to go out in the cold weather. Most popular among college students, this item can protect your skin from harsh climate. The best brand offers affordable price range and it is the most bought item of this year. If you are fashion crazy, this is the perfect fit in your wardrobe.
·  Brown Fox Fur Scarf: This age-old style remains the favourite item of fashion mongers. With a hint of elegance and modern outlook, you can turn heads in the Christmas party. Also handmade and exceptionally comfortable along with keeping you warm these are available in various styles.  . Do purchase this hottest trend from the best online site and never go out of style.

Enjoy Winter with Fashion

Modern scarves made from different varieties of fox furs are latest this season among men. If you do not want to follow the outdated trends and want to experiment with new items then visit the best online brand for extremely trendy and fashionable products those are comfortable and super cool at the same time. Stay warm this winter by draping a scarf! 
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Fur Hats For Men – How to Wear Them In The Best Way

Hats are mandatory in the cold winter season. We talk about the best way to wear fur hats by Men as per the latest industry trends.

The relation of man and hat is long. Earlier men wore hats which signified their official designation in the royal kingdoms. They were made with the best quality materials as they were worn throughout the year. But now with the changing time and trends they are worn only at the specially occasion and that too mostly during the winters. These hats are certainly made with the best quality materials to sustain the cold wind in the winters.

Grey fox fur hat Russian style, for men

Choices to explore

There are different companies that are offering mens fur hat which one needs to check if you intend to buy some, one of them being fur store. The products can be checked out in their online line platform too. The hats they are providing are handmade, created mostly in Italy, are made with the best quality materials, are affordable, stylish, comfortable and yet trendy and chic. Now if you are looking out for some awesome men’s hats, the latest market trends on men’s hats, then here a few types:

Different types of Fur Hat for Men

The Sable fur hat is the topmost Russian fur hat designed by the best online store for both men and women. They are comfortable, stylish, and perfect for this cold winters, comes in wide range of colors and designs, and gives you smart look. You can get the best quality sable fur hats at leading shops. They are stitched in Italy and available at best rates.

Mink fur hat for men - Russian style - Black

  1. The Possum fur hat: Made with the premium and the finest quality fur, which are sourced directly from the top most suppliers. These are handmade, are pocket friendly and created with extreme detailing and are designed by the best of the teams.

  2. The Raccoon fur hat: The idea was initially derived from the materials used in the long coats, wore by American youth and college goers during the early 1920’s. It was a must have during those times. These Mens Fur Hats from Amifur are long lasting if they are handled with care. They are marked by the distinctive tail at the back. It is found all over USA, Southern Canada.

Tips from the Industry Experts

  1. Keep these hats wrapped in cloth.
  2. Keep them with within boxes or your cupboards and wardrobes.
  3. While buying be sure with the hat’s size.

So the next time you want to shop hats for your boyfriend, father or brother, do check out the official site of the top sellers. The top brands can give you the best from the rest, and is a one stop house for hats for both men and women. Winters should be beautiful and make it more stylish and fashionable by gifting it to your loved ones. So do not wait, try these exquisite hats and be a trendsetter amongst peers and groups.

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Russian Fashion Tips: Men’s Ideal Fashion Accessories When Travelling to Russia

We identify Russia as the land of never-ending winter, which often makes us wonder how people equip themselves during the coldest months in the country. We hear about New York Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week, and even fashion events held at Sao Paulo and Shanghai. While Russia has always maintained their consistent line of fashion models with their pale bony looks and outstanding bodies, people often wonder about the national fashion statements.

real fur scarves

Unlike popular belief, Russians complain of heat as well, therefore, it is not recommended to pack layers after layers before setting out the door. Bloggers and travelers have complained about the inconsistent hot climate there that even stretches them to switch on the ACs in a few hotels. While this may sound bizarre but Russian men’s fur accessories is not all that different.

Fashion basics for Men in Russia

Russian beauty standards for women are extremely far-fetched and utopian. This largely is propelled by the fact that a majority of the women serving amongst the fashion models is from Russia. Their ethereal body standards and perfect legs are the whole world’s obsession. Alternatively, Russia is slack about men’s fashion.

While the rules are not as strict as women’s, if you stroll the streets of Moscow wearing khaki pants and ski boots, people will be able to tell that you are a tourist. Amifur has a vast collection of Men’s Fur Accessories and Russian sable hats that are considered prime fashion accessories in the country. As long as you are adding the national accessories, nothing could go possibly wrong in the over-layering of coats or jackets.

men's fur hats

It is unnatural of a Russian to wear fur coats and jackets simply because the country is one of the least flashy nations in the world. While you may often come across men sporting a fluffy winter jacket, they are almost always accessorized with Russian sable hats and fur scarves.

What colour should you be aiming?

Russians are not as liberated with colour experimentation as the people of Western Europe or America are. This aggravation of colour taboo had always been there but bands like Pussy Riot and the LGBT community have restricted the expression with colours considerably.

Russian men prefer sober and earthy tones compared to flashy neon or pastel shades. You can find neutral sable hats for sale in the online store, as they specialize in Russian men’s accessories. The implementation of black in Russian fashion is almost revered and has been running down generations without much change.

real fur scarves

While the use of colours is not entirely restricted or considered taboo, they choose their shades very carefully. For instance, for tourists, wearing pastel men’s fur hats in Russian style would not raise eyebrows because the people are not native. Similarly, every season has a secret colour code that people simply seem to adhere to.

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Real Fur Shawls for Trendy Looks

Shawls are worn by people from across the world since back then but the trend of wearing shawls have never been to this peak in any of the time. Shawls are worn in different styles on different occasions with different outfits. It has remained as a trend over the years with more designers and clothing companies offering wider ranges of choice.

real fur shawls

From all the types of shawls, available fur shawls have emerged as the most popular one as this shawls not only gives you warmness but has a deep taste of style in it. Fur shawls are now used not only to keep ourselves warm but it has also been extensively used as fashion accessories to enhance our personality and looks. Now we saw women wearing fur shawls to every event and occasions.

Golden Fox Fur Stole

Fur shawls are mostly worn by people who go out often and join outdoor programs and events as it keeps you warm and at the same time makes you look fashionable too. For all the good reason and advantages of the product, it has remained a popular choice of the people over the years. We also took the keen interest in providing the best of its kind by researching and investing in the product.

Today we are proud owners of one of the best fur products manufacturers and supplier in the entire world. We provide some of the best Real fur shawls at Amifur affordable and attractive prices to our customers. Our products are handmade and sewn only from Italy. We use furs exclusively only from real quality natural furs which are extracted from the finest fur animals of Italy.


Our real fur shawls come in different designs and colors to match your outlook. We provide our customers with wide ranges of choices which are handpicked and designed by some of our most famous designers. Our products are of the high-end quality which is made from the finest real furs available in Italy. The comfort and feel of luxury you get from the product are way beyond then the money you pay for it.  We manufacture only high-quality products to maintain our hard earned reputation and class which makes us outstand from the others. Fur shawls are the real deals of winter if you wish to dress fashionably even in the coldest weathers. Our product not only gives you the warmness but also makes you the center of attraction from amongst all.

Mink fur shawl, with hood

The best Brand seeks to provide the best products at the cheapest rate possibly as we care for you. Our aim is to make our products reach every soul and keep them safe from the bitter bites of the cold winter winds. We also aim to make winter more interesting by providing the wider range of choice and adding more collections to your wardrobe. We have also designed our Fur shawls in such a way that it comes in handy and more convenient to carry around places wherever we go.


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Trend 2017: Real fur shawls for Women

The bright sunny weather, a charming ambience, and a spectacular venue can fill your hearts with unmatched happiness. That’s not all; these aspects create the perfect setting for a glamorous wedding. When it comes to deciding the wedding trousseau, the bride and her brigade will love to follow the newest trends in the market. Especially, if it’s a winter wedding choosing the best winter apparel will be of paramount significance. Buyers will have a lot of exciting options which will help them choose the best product!

Silver fox fur stole

Apart from stylish neck warmers and jackets, Real fur shawls and stoles are the best choices. With a unique appearance and spectacular appeal, this particular clothing item can enhance your looks by quite a few notches. It is highly imperative to plan the purchase judiciously. Make sure you associate with leading sellers capable of offering a range of products.

Why opt for fur shawls?

Classic and genuine fur has some unique characteristics. It looks glamorous, attractive, and stunning no matter who wears it. Most importantly, it will complement your outfits and even wedding gowns. Brides can also add an exceptional touch to their attire by throwing a classic fur shawl over the shoulders.

If current market trends and styles are anything to go by, fur shawls and stoles are gaining huge popularity in the market. These products come in various types, size, and colors thus becoming the hottest trend for 2017! You can also buy one for yourself, friends, and companions to achieve a spectacular look!

Arctic Platinum Fox Fur Stole

Best buying tips

The presence of innumerable options will make the entire purchase process quite tough for you. It’s here that you need the right tips to make a meaningful purchase.

Choose your fur

While buying fur shawls, shrugs, or stoles, it becomes imperative to choose the right kind of fur. Without making this choice, it will be difficult for you to nail down the right product. Do some research and find out the appropriate fur quality and type.

What’s the shape?

When you are planning to buy these shawls, the style and shape will be of huge significance. You can either invest in subtle and slender options or look for the fluffy ones. If it’s a part of your wedding dress, then buying the fluffy ones will be the best thing to do. Your wedding is amongst the most memorable occasions of your life, and you should look ravishing on your D-day.

Color is important

The market is filled with various types and kinds of fur. Even while choosing colors, you will come across a plethora of options. Dyed or colored fur are becoming quite popular nowadays. You can also opt for the block or solid-colored shawls for a sophisticated appeal.

Finding the right company

Buying Amifur Real fur shawls can be a lot easier if you get in touch with leading sellers. With a range of options for buyers, they will meet the needs of innumerable customers. Depending on your choice, budget, and personality, you can get the most suitable item. If you have your wedding on cards and want to match it with your gown, you can also do so.

Planning the budget

Determine the budget. Fur shawls and stoles come in various price ranges. Although each and every item sold by reputed sellers will be of topmost quality standards, price differences can lead to other aspects. Always know your budget and then start the search. That will help you identify the best product.

Knowing your needs

Once you build associations with the best sellers, purchasing the right kind of shawls won’t be tough. All you have to do is know your needs. Do you need the shawl for a formal occasion or want to wear it to a wedding? The event, occasion, and ambience will determine your choice to a great extent. Know your requirements before making a decision. That will help you identify the right kind of products.

With innovative designs and stunning appeal, fur stoles and shawls have become the best accessories for the modern women. From formal events to informal occasions, this particular clothing item has become an integral part of their fashion.

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Real Fur Collars: Great Idea to Wear This Fashion Trend

Come winter, and you worry about how to look stylish and stay protected at the same time. The current trend is the use of different textures in winter wear to have an attractive look. The texture that is gaining much popularity is fur. The two factors making it so popular are the cheap availability and the chic look. Fur collars are trendy accessories that would make your outfit gain that added appeal. These accessories can be worn with any jackets or coats and enhance the look of any such clothing. Here are some ideas that you can use to pair up collars with different clothing.

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Real Fur Collars

Outstanding Combination with Leather jackets

Leather jackets make a great fashion statement and would look even more attractive when paired up with real fur collars. A cream-colored bunch of flared fur would act as the perfect match to such a jacket. It will be a great deck up for a picnic or even when you embark on a vacation. For a romantic look, you can try a deep blue collar with a jacket slightly slicker. Thus the mixing and matching should be done keeping in mind the occasion. While a party or excursion would call for a casual and pretty look, a winter party with office colleagues might demand a more reserved look.

Offset the heaviness of Fluffy Jackets

The collars can be worn with almost all outfits, as it is universally compatible. It looks equally good with every outfit. Thus you can buy one collar and use it for multiple clothing. It might also work well in place of a stole. You can pair it up with your fluffy jacket and make a very trendy combination. You can try a pale one over a coat having a rusty color. If you wear it on an occasion when you must offset the heavy look, then wear a pair of ripped tight leggings with the coat. When worn on a beige colored coat, such accessories would also work magic. So you can try pairing up these with any of your prized clothing.

Brilliant with Military Clothing or even plain Clothes

Another great idea would be to use it with military-styled clothing. The military style of dressing up is has been experimented in many ways and is ever-popular. Adding real fur collars from Amifur would make it look all the more glamorous. A faux variety will go brilliantly with the super combination of black, brown and green. It gives a beautiful feminine twist to that rugged military look. Besides the military style, the collar works very well with plain clothing too. A plain coat can be made to look brighter by adding such an accessory.


White Fox Fur Collar

An Ideal Winter Accessory

Thus these accessories break the monotony of winter clothing.  They add glamour as well as class to it and make you ready for any occasion. Mix and match them as you like and keeping in mind the particular occasion. These collars are detachable and hence very convenient too. These are the ideal winter companions for all women. These may act as saviors when you are thinking about a nice look.

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