How to Choose Your Sable Fur Hats

A renowned fashion trend during the winter season is fur hats. What I love about fur hats is that asides giving you a chic look, it also keeps you warm during the winter. Many fashionistas (e.g. Keira Knightley, and the Middleton sisters) have been spotted on different types of stylish fur hats, wearing a fur hat has a way of adding seduction, sophistication, and femininity to your look. There has always been a fur hat trend over the years; a notable place for the trend is Russia. Many aristocratic ladies in Russia wore them and looked nothing short of stunning. The trend is still on and it will always be. Fur hats come in different forms and colors (white, airy, black, fuzzy, red, brown, extremely bright colors), designs (e.g. Temperley London, Oliver Bonas, and Marc Jacobs) and cuts (small, or big). Fur hats could either be real or fake.

Sable fur hat

                                                                                        Sable Fur Hat

However it is important to know how to choose your sable fur hats, the ravishing look doesn’t come by chance. The choice of fur hat should depend on whichever style and look you are interested in, it should also depend on the fashion statement you want to pass across.

For those interested in going for a chic and trending look, the best way to rock a fur hat is to wear a big one with flaps. The look can be coupled with high boots, a coat or a jacket would equally look great with a big fur hat depending on your preferred look. For an edgy look wear a leather jacket, while for a classic look a coat will look just perfect. Big fur hats are chic items, it makes you look extravagant, sassy and sophisticated, it is an easy and effortless look, and anyone can try it.

Sable fur hat

                                                                                        Sable Fur Hat

If you are interested in a glamorous and stylish look, you could opt for a black fur hat (without flaps). You can accessorize with fashion statement earrings that add a touch of sophistication to your look. A simple black fur hat looks great on any choice of jacket (leather) or a coat. A black fur coat can be worn with boots, a pair of jeans, skirts, tights, dresses, or shorts.

You might be wondering where is the best place to select your stylish fur hats…the best place is Amifur. Amifur is an online Shop that has a collection of luxurious fur hats (they come in different colors), these hats are made of real fur and it is of top quality. There are stylish fur hats available for both men and women. Amifur sable fur hats are made in Italy from top quality materials (fur of fox, mink, and raccoon), and the prices for each of these fur hats are very reasonable. There are various delivery services available for customers interested in our fur hats.

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